Wednesday 12 October 2011

Save Stoke Newington WI group!

We need your help!

The Stoke Newington WI group is at crisis point!
We are about to head into our annual general meeting on Nov 14th, which means re-electing the committee. Sadly the fabulous committee members who have done such an incredible job over the last year, will nearly all be standing down, what with babies, toddlers and moving they can no longer devote the time they'd like anymore. In order to keep the group running, we need some more dynamic ladies like the out-going committee, who will donate some time to the running of the group.
It is a time commitment, and whilst our existing committee will still be members, they'd like to enjoy the benefits of just attending the meetings for a while. It is a testament to the current committee, that we are all reading this blog and debating the future of the group for another year.
We need a minimum of 3 members on the committee for the group to survive, and we are hoping to get more members to share the workload as we know everyone has lots of demands on our free time these days!
We would love to get some new members too, so if you know any local Stokey ladies that would love to join us, then send them along in November or get them to e mail

The minimum number of roles for the committee is 3, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and a President. This structure does however put a lot of work on each committee member, so we are hoping to split the roles up a little.
In addition to the 3 roles above, We'd love to have an events co-ordinator who will liase with venues and speakers
We'd also like a couple of designated Photographers who will take pics at each event and get them to the website co-ordinator
We'd like someone to take responsibility for the blog and social media stuff.
We'd like a couple of deputies- this are committee members that will stand in for various roles on days when the members need to be absent.
If you're interested in any committee roles do drop us an email stating how you'd like to help

In the next week, we'll be sending out a survey asking about speakers you'd like to hear, events you'd like us to run. We need to find out what direction our group needs to go in, and even if Stoke Newington wants a WI group.

So, it's time for us to put our thinking caps on ladies, and start saving Stokey WI!

If you've got any suggestions e mail us on

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